- ...perl1.1
- In the Perl community, the lowercase word, ``perl'',
refers to the canonical (and currently only) implementation (which is
written in C) of Perl. The uppercase word, ``Perl'', refers to the language
itself. This convention is also used throughout this document.
- ... JVM 2.1
- These categories were originally classified
in [4], but are extended a bit here.
- ... available3.1
- There is no special reason that two
systems living in the same binary must be tightly coupled. However, there
is a tendency by designers to use what is available in code that is linked
within the whole system. The Java environment, by designing the compiler
and the virtual machine as separate entities, never fell victim to this
psychological factor.
- ... UNOP3.2
- In other cases, ``null'' OPs
are also inserted, but there presence is not particularly interesting in
those cases, and they are omitted from Figure 3.4 for
- ...
- In the end, this turned out to be a non-issue, as the
solution described in Chapter 5
rendered an assembler-based bytecode emitter unnecessary.
- ...
- B::JVM::Jasmin does not actually
translate to Java. The Java code is provided for didactic purposes only.
- ...
- B::JVM::Jasmin does not actually
translate to Java. The Java code is provided for didactic purposes only.
Copyright © 2000, 2001 Bradley M. Kuhn.
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire thesis is permitted in any
medium, provided this notice is preserved.