The final approach is perhaps the most uncommon, and the most limited. This approach maps each language idiom onto the Java architecture. If all the language features have semantic equivalents in Java or directly on the JVM, a mapping can be done to allow the language to run on the JVM. ADA's port to the JVM relied heavily on this approach [10].
This method, of course, must usually be combined with some Java or JVM code generation to be completely successful. However, it is worth categorizing this approach separately, since when used with a retargeted compiler, the problem that the initial Eiffel port encountered is avoided.
The downside to this approach is that each language idiom must have an equivalent in Java or on the JVM. If more than a few such idioms do not have equivalents, then a programmer must construct such idioms, usually by implementing them from scratch in Java. This is not unreasonable, but it does take time and effort. Therefore, this approach (when used exclusively) will likely only be successful with languages that are very much like Java--relatively strongly typed, and primarily object oriented.
Copyright © 2000, 2001 Bradley M. Kuhn.
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