Tuesday 29 May 2012 by Bradley M. Kuhn
As most readers might have guessed, my work at Software Freedom Conservancy has been so demanding in the last few months that I've been unable to blog, although I have kept up (along with my co-host Karen Sandler) releasing new episodes of the Free as in Freedom oggcast.
Today, Karen and I released a special episode of FaiF (which is merely special because it was released during a week that we don't normally release a show). In it, Karen and I discuss in detail Conservancy's announcement today of its new coordinated compliance program that includes many copyright holders and projects.
This new program is an outgrowth of the debate that happened over the last few months regarding Conservancy's GPL compliance efforts. Specifically, I noticed that, buried in the FUD over the last four months regarding GPL compliance, there was one key criticism that was valid and couldn't be ignored: Linux copyright holders should be involved in compliance actions on embedded systems. Linux is a central component of such work, and the BusyBox developers agreed wholeheartedly that having some Linux developers involved with compliance would be very helpful. Conservancy has addressed this issue by building a broad coalition of copyright holders in many different projects who seek to work on compliance with Conservancy, including not just Linux and BusyBox, but other projects as well.
I'm looking forward in my day job to working collaboratively with copyright holders of many different projects to uphold the rights guaranteed by GPL. I'm also elated at the broad showing of support by other Conservancy projects. In addition to the primary group in the announcement (i.e., copyright holders in BusyBox, Samba and Linux), a total of seven other GPL'd and/or LGPL'd projects have chosen Conservancy to handle compliance efforts. It's clear that Conservancy's compliance efforts are widely supported by many projects.
The funniest part about all this, though, is that while there has been
no end of discussion of Conservancy's and other's compliance efforts
this year, most Free Software users never actually have to deal with
the details of compliance. Requirements of most copyleft licenses like
GPL generally trigger on distribution of the software —
particularly distribution of binaries. Since most users simply receive
distribution of binaries, and run them locally on their own computer,
rarely do they face complex issues of compliance. As the GPLv2
says, The act of running the Program is not restricted
Posted on Tuesday 29 May 2012 at 08:50 by Bradley M. Kuhn.
Comment on this post in this discussion forum conversation.
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use Standard::Disclaimer;
from standard import disclaimer
SELECT full_text FROM standard WHERE type = 'disclaimer';
Both previously and presently, I have been employed by and/or done work for various organizations that also have views on Free, Libre, and Open Source Software. As should be blatantly obvious, this is my website, not theirs, so please do not assume views and opinions here belong to any such organization.
— bkuhn
ebb is a (currently) unregistered service mark of Bradley M. Kuhn.
Bradley M. Kuhn <bkuhn@ebb.org>