Pictures of Bradley M. Kuhn

These pictures are roughly in reverse chronological order.

On 29 September 2007, I am giving a keynote at the Ohio LinuxFest 2007. Photo by Morydd from his Flickr page under a CC-By-NonComm-NoDerivs license.

On 17 January 2006, I am talking to Orion about the GPLv3 Commenting system at the First International Conference on GPLv3 (Photo by Justin Baugh).

On 28 September 2001, I am standing in front of the back wall at the FSF Offices.

On 8 July 2001, I am sitting at a desk during a break in the sessions at the Libre Software Meeting in Bordeaux, France. I am talking with David Frey, and Werner Koch (who is barely in the photo).

On 7 July 2001, I am giving a speech at the plenary session of the Libre Software Meeting in Bordeaux, France. Sebastian Blondeel, who is mostly hidden by the podium, is controling the background images.

On 3 July 2001, I am sitting at the Libre Software Meeting in Bordeaux, France, typing on the FSF's laptop. James Bromberger took this photo.

In July 2001, I am sitting at the Libre Software Meeting in Bordeaux, France, typing on the FSF's laptop. Jaime Villate is standing in front of me.

In July 2001, I am talking with James Bromberger and others at the Libre Software Meeting in Bordeaux, France. I am scratching my hand because I got a lot of misquito bites in Bordeaux. I wish the windows had screens there.

In July 2001, I am talking on a borrowed mobile phone at the Libre Software Meeting in Bordeaux, France. I am negotiating things for the DotGNU press release which went out a few days later.

In July 2001, I am listening to someone at the Libre Software Meeting 2001 in Bordeaux, France.

In July 2001, I am talking with someone at the Libre Software Meeting 2001 in Bordeaux, France.

In July 2001, I am sitting at dinner in Bordeaux, France with Loic Dachary and Frederic Couchet looking at a children's book that Sebastian Blondeel found, about a musical gnu named Elihu.

On 28 June 2001, I am standing talk to David Edelsohn at the USENIX 2001 conference at the Copley Mariott in Boston, MA, USA. It is immediately after the ceremony where the GNU Project received USENIX's achievement award.

In May 2001, I sitting at the FSF USA's dinner that toasted the founding of FSF Europe. The dinner was at China Perl in Chinatown, Boston, MA, USA.

In May 2001, I am standing and waving at the FSF offices. Loic Dachary took this photo.

On 1 February 2001, I am sitting with RMS, Brian Paul, and his friend at the 2000 FSF Award Ceremony in Paris, France.

In January 2001, I am sitting in the FSF booth at the Linux (sic) Expo in Paris, France, surrounded by people I don't know.

In January 2001, George Greve, Bradley M. Kuhn, and Frederic Couchet stand together at the Linux (sic) Expo in Paris, France.

In January 2001, I am talking to someone at the Linux (sic) Expo in Paris, France.

In July 1997, I am standing in front of a brick wall.

In June 1997, I am sitting on a couch.

In October 1995, I am standing in front of a wall.

I just received my B.S. degree in Computer Science on 20 May 1995. Keith Gallagher gave the graduating CS majors rubber chickens, and said we should bring them to graduation, so I did.

Father Ridley, S.J. giving me my B.S. degree in Computer Science on 20 May 1995.

I am receiving my Academic Achievement Award in Computer Science on 1 October 1994 at Loyola College.

Circa 1993, I am sitting in the Loyola College Computer Science lab. You can see Ed Birrane in the background behind my left shoulder. Jonathan O. Squire took this photo.

In February 1993, I am playing a video game in the resident halls at Loyola College.

Updated on: $Date: 2002/04/22 03:29:32 $